Zach Huntting
Co-Founder & Director
+1 (206) 607-9027


Fourthcity's LAPTOPBATTLE.ORG curated the first-ever Laptop Battle in March 2003 at Seattle's Fourthcity Weekly, and became the first-ever Laptop Battle website soon afterward. We have diligently promoted the worldwide growth of the Laptop Battle phenomenon since forever. Please contact us for any reason.. We love Laptop Battle!!

Please follow this link for local Laptop Battle website(s) contact information.

LAPTOPBATTLE.ORG is an affiliate of Fourthcity & Brushed Ltd.. All our projects can be learned at FVTW

LAPTOPBATTLE.ORG v2.0 © 2006-07 F.V.T.W.
design by Fixelplix vs Zach Huntting.

NEW!! LAPTOP BATTLE VIDEO ARCHIVE Social Media Agency: CROWN™ SOCIAL® Creative Staffing, Recruiting & Influencer Agency: VICARIOUS™Branding & Design Agency: SOMETHING FOREVER™<-----------